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A spreading colony formed method for rapid evaluation of dicarboximide fungicides resistance level of field tobacco brown spot disease


A new method (spreading colony formed method) for rapidly identifying and evaluating the dicarboximide fungicides resistance level of field tobacco spot brown disease caused byAlternaria longipes was developed. Two typical colonies with distinct differences in colony morphology on media containing 5 μg/ml dicarboximide fungicides dimethachlon (CAS registration number: 24096-53-5) were discovered by using this method. The two typical colonies were named spreading colony and dense pad colony, respectively. Isolates (250) ofA. longipes were quickly separated by this method, and their growth properties (including the sensitivity to dimethachlon, the cross-resistance to phenylpyrroles fludioxonil and hyphal development) were examined. Our results indicated that (1) monospore isolates from spreading colonies and dense pad colonies were respectively resistant and sensitive to dimethachlon; (2) resistant and sensitive isolates formed respectively spreading colonies and dense pad colonies on dimethachlon media. Furthermore, molecular experiments confirmed the spreading colony formed method reliable. In conclusion, field resistant isolates and resistant situation in population level of field tobacco spot brown disease could be exactly and timely determined and evaluated by spreading colony formed method.


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Luo, Y., Zhu, M., Yang, J. et al. A spreading colony formed method for rapid evaluation of dicarboximide fungicides resistance level of field tobacco brown spot disease. Ann. Microbiol. 59, 173–177 (2009).

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