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Evaluation of the role of environmental factors in the human gastrointestinal tract on the behaviour of probiotic cultures ofLactobacillus casei Shirota andLactobacillus casei LC01 by the use of a semi-dynamicin vitro model


This study evaluated the influence of gastrointestinal environmental factors (pH, digestive enzymes, food components, medicaments) on the survival ofLactobacillus casei Shirota andLactobacillus casei LC01, using a semi-dynamicin vitro model that simulates the transit of microorganisms through the human GIT. The strains were first exposed to different simulated gastric juices for different periods of time (0, 30, 60 and 120 min), and then to simulated intestinal fluids for zero, 120, 180 and 240 min, in a step-wise format. The number of viable cells was determined after each step. The influence of food residues (skim milk) in the fluids and resistance to medicaments commonly used for varied therapeutic purposes (analgesics, antiarrhythmics, antibiotics, antihistaminics, proton pump inhibitors, etc.) were also evaluated. Results indicated that survival of both cultures was pH and time dependent, and digestive enzymes had little influence. Milk components presented a protective effect, and medicamenthets, especially anti-inflammatory drugs, influenced markedly the viability of the probiotic cultures, indicating that the beneficial effects of the two probiotic cultures to health are dependent of environmental factors encountered in the human gastrointestinal tract.


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De Carvlho, K.G., Kruger, M.F., Nader Furtado, D. et al. Evaluation of the role of environmental factors in the human gastrointestinal tract on the behaviour of probiotic cultures ofLactobacillus casei Shirota andLactobacillus casei LC01 by the use of a semi-dynamicin vitro model. Ann. Microbiol. 59, 439–445 (2009).

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