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The efficacy of nematicidal strainSyncephalastrum racemosum


Nematicidal activity using a pure culture ofSyncephalastrum racemosum was studied. The results showed that the metabolites ofS. racemosum have pretty high nematicidal activity. The nematicidal principles were solube in water and had high thermal stability. The major acid metabolites extracted from cultures ofS. racemosum identified from HPLC were oxalic acid dihydrate and tartaric acid. Soil application with culture filtrate ofS. racemosum significantly (P<0.05) reduced nematode population densities and subsequent root-knot development in tomato compared with the controls.


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Sun, J., Wang, H., Lu, F. et al. The efficacy of nematicidal strainSyncephalastrum racemosum . Ann. Microbiol. 58, 369–373 (2008).

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