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Screening of high effective alfalfa rhizobial strains with a comprehensive protocol


Ninety-six alfalfa rhizobial strains were screened with a two-step strategy to select high effective and competitive microsymbionts for this plant grown in Inner Mongolia. Firstly, all the strains were inoculated to surface-sterilised seeds sown in vermiculite and grown in greenhouse. After grown 45 days, the shoot dry weight, number and nitrogenase activity of nodules were recorded and statistically analysed to select the more effective strains. Secondly, the competitiveness of 4 more effective strains designated in first step were evaluated by inoculation of each strain to alfalfa seeds grown in natural so il collected from Inner Mongolia. The nodule occupancy of each inoculated strain was assayed with BOX-PCR fingerprinting. With this strategy, 4 strains, all isolated from the same eco-region, were claimed as the best symbionts with alfalfa in that soil. The statistically designated best strains were exactly the most competitive and most effective ones in the second step, and the results were further confirmed by a field experiment. This study offered an efficient strategy to select rhizobial inoculants and demonstrated the possibility that the local rhizobial population might be highly effective and competitive for the epidemic legumes there.


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Jia, R.Z., Tian, C.F., Man, C.X. et al. Screening of high effective alfalfa rhizobial strains with a comprehensive protocol. Ann. Microbiol. 58, 731–739 (2008).

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