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Table 2 Main factors decreasing viability of probiotic microorganisms in ice cream and their mechanisms of impact

From: Probiotic ice cream: viability of probiotic bacteria and sensory properties

State of damage

Stress factors

Resultant damage(s)

Methods of viability improvement

Selected sources

During the fermentation process (fermented ice cream)

Low pH values (especially less than ∼5.5)

Mass transfer disruption through the cells, inactivation of some bacterial enzymes (cell starvation)

Selection of tolerant probiotic strains as well as suitable probiotic and/or non-probiotic starter cultures, addition of growth factors as well as growth promoters including prebiotics, finishing the milk fermentation at relatively higher pH values (∼5.5)

Akalin and EriÅŸir 2008; Alamprese et al. 2002; Champagne and Rastall 2009; Crittenden et al. 2001; Hagen and Narvhus 1999; Haynes and Playne 2002; Homayuni et al. 2008a; Medici et al. 2004; Stanton et al. 2003; Ziemer and Gibson 1998

High titrable acidity

Bacteriocidic impact after entrance into bacterial cells

High redox potential (anaerobic bacteria)

Restriction and inactivation of cellular metabolic pathways

High concentration of sugars

Osmotic stress

Presence of food additives that are detrimental to probiotic cells

Damage to cell walls or other parts of the cells

Antagonistic interactions among starter cultures (fermented ice cream)

Loss of cell viability due to production of detrimental chemical compounds as well as nutritional competition

During the freezing process

Mechanical damage caused by formation of ice crystals (including freezing rate) and by scraping of the cylinder wall

Bacteria cell walls rupture

Selection of probiotic strains tolerant to freezing, use of microencapsulated probiotic cells, use of cryoprotective carbohydrates, applying adequate technology of freezing regarding ice cream freezers

Akalin and EriÅŸir 2008; Akin et al. 2007; Champagne and Rastall 2009; Gill 2006; Jay et al. 2005; Homayouni et al. 2008a, b; Krasaekoopt et al. 2003; Lankaputhra and Shah 1996

Temperature-related stresses

Temperature decrease shock as well as the effects of frozen temperatures

Chemical and biochemical stresses

Condensation of detrimental solutes, dehydration of cells

During the overrun process

Oxygen toxicity for anaerobic bacteria

Sensitivity of bacterial cells to metabolically produced hydrogen peroxide

Selection of oxygen-tolerant strains, use of microencapsulated probiotic cells, use of oxygen scavengers and redox potential reducing agents, use of packaging materials impermeable to oxygen

Akalin and EriÅŸir 2008; Davies and Obafemi 1985; Haynes and Playne 2002; Laroia and Martin 1991; Miller et al. 2003; Ravula and Shah 1998; Vasiljevic and Shah 2008;

During frozen storage period


Cells damaged during freezing die gradually during storage

Selecting tolerant probiotic strains, utilizing microencapsulated probiotic cells, avoiding temperature oscillations during storage of the product, using oxygen scavengers and redox potential reducing agents, applying packaging materials impermeable to oxygen

Akalin and EriÅŸir 2008; Dave and Shah 1998; Davies and Obafemi 1985; Haynes and Playne 2002; Laroia and Martin 1991; Miller et al. 2003; Ravula and Shah 1998; Shah 2000; Vasiljevic and Shah 2008;

Oxygen toxicity for anaerobic bacteria

Sensitivity of bacterial cells to metabolically produced hydrogen peroxide

During melting/thawing of the product

Chemical stresses

Osmotic stress, condensation of detrimental solutes


Champagne and Rastall 2009; Jay et al. 2005