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Fig. S2 | Annals of Microbiology

Fig. S2

From: Improvement of the ability to produce spinosad in Saccharopolyspora spinosa through the acquisition of drug resistance and genome shuffling

Fig. S2

Growth trend of spinosad production by genome shuffling and drug resistance. Ery-13, Ery-70, Ery-150: strains that have erythromycin resistance in drug resistance screening. Neo-25, Neo-42, Neo-127: strains that have neomycin resistance in drug resistance screening. Ery-13 and Neo-127 strains were used as the starting strains for genome shuffling. EN1: strains generated from the first round of genome shuffling. EN2: strains generated from the second round of genome shuffling. EN3: strains generated from the third round of genome shuffling. EN4: strains generated from the fourth round of genome shuffling. The best isolate after four rounds of genome shuffling (EN4-33) exhibited a spinosad yield of 332 μg/ml. Bar represents mean spinosad yield with less than 15 % standard deviation (GIF 517 kb)

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