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Table 1 Some differences and characteristics of soil-feeding termite castes

From: Bacterial diversity from soil-feeding termite gut and their potential application

Caste systems

The role and activity of castes


Soldier termites

The whole Isoptera clade is eusocial for the possession of a caste of soldiers. Judging from phylogeny, soldiers evolved once in a basal lineage ancestral to all living termites

Roisin and Korb 2010

As for soldier differentiation, some endocrine mechanisms may cause sex-specific differences in gonad development in these types of termites

Oguchi et al. 2016

Taxonomic characters found in soldier caste present conspicuously reliable features for diversity investigations

Himmi et al. 2020

The principle of caste differentiation of reproductive division between the reproductive individuals that monopolize reproduction (queens and kings) and their non-reproductive helpers such as workers and defense specialists known as soldiers

Thompson and Chernyshova 2020

Termite soldier groups were searched more intensively and encountered more food sources simultaneously than other castes and more efficient perception of changes in food availability and redirecting to more profitable patches

do Sacramento et al. 2020

Worker termites

The size of the worker termites is related to physiological factors, such as nutrition and energy expenditure, and mainly to the quantity and quality of food, although the results are contrasting

Dahlsjö et al. 2015

Workers fill many important roles, which include nest construction, food collection, nestmate care, and hygienic activity within the nest


Workers termite has limited visual capabilities and communicates with nest mates primarily via olfactory channels to convey pheromonal and other chemical cues

Sun et al. 2019

Worker termites masticate soil and water to create mud, as a subtle and complex combination of moisture and granular materials


As the young workers ingest forage material and the old workers consume the mature comb, the changes in diet influence the bacterial composition of the gut

Otani et al. 2019

The primary sequence and spatial expression pattern of Orco and 5-HTT in workers, which are respectively, associated with chemosensation and neurotransmission in insects

Sun et al. 2019

Specifically, workers are wingless individuals lacking compound eyes with a pronotum that is trapezoidal

Shi et al. 2021

Termite reproductives

Termite colonies are almost always headed by a single pair of reproductives that develop from workers generally via a single molt within the natal nest; they lack several adult traits, such as wings and compound eyes

Korb 2018

Termite reproductive live deep inside the nest of the central area (e.g., ‘royal chamber’ in a few species) of an enclosed and protected mound or nest (subterranean, epigeal, or arboreal) safe from predation

Tasaki et al. 2021

Reproductive dominance of termites is often achieved via chemical communication through (CHCs) (other compounds can also be involved). Queen CHCs have been proposed to function as fertility signals across social insects to affect the behavior and physiology of colony members

Lin et al. 2021; Masuoka et al. 2021

  1. CHCs cuticular hydrocarbons; 5-HTT serotonin transporter gene, orco olfactory receptor co-receptor