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Table 2 Isolation of different types of coliphages from different water sources

From: Isolation and characterization of coliphages from different water sources and their biocontrol application combined with electron beam irradiation for elimination of E. coli in domestic wastewater

Water sample sources

Somatic coliphage

F-specific coliphage

Ground water 1

 + ve


Ground water 2

 + ve


Ground water 3

 + ve


Ground water 4

 + ve


Ground water 5

 + ve


Ground water 6

 + ve


Ground water 7

 + ve


Ground water 8

 + ve


Inlet working pumping station (IWPS)


 + ve

Treated water


 + ve

Aerobic activated sludge


 + ve

  1. (+ ve) contain coliphage, (-ve) not contain coliphage